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Video appointments

The ASCEND PLUS team is pleased to be partnering with Attend Anywhere during the trial. Attend Anywhere already provides software for NHS hospitals across the UK, allowing nurses and doctors to speak to people in their own homes.

We are using Attend Anywhere software to conduct video calls during the ASCEND PLUS trial. If you have chosen to speak to the ASCEND PLUS research nurse by video call for your next appointment, find out how to join the call in this video. 

what do i need to make a video call?

  • A device for making a video call, such as a smartphone, tablet, or computer with a webcam and speaker (often built into laptops).
  • A reliable internet connection (wired, wifi, or mobile data). If you can watch a video online, you should be able to make a video call.
  • A private, well-lit area for your consultation, where you will not be disturbed.
  • Use the latest version of Microsoft Edge (Windows), Apple Safari (iOS, iPadOS, macOS) or Google Chrome (Android, Windows, macOS) for best video calling performance.

What do I need to know?

Is it secure and confidential?
Video rooms are private. Only an authorised provider can enter the room or admit people into a group call. No information you enter is stored.

How much does a video call cost?
The video call is free except for your internet usage. 

Tip: If you can, connect to a wifi network to avoid using your mobile data.

How much internet data will I use?
After the video call connects, it uses a similar amount of data as Zoom or FaceTime.


Illustration of phone resting on its long edge.

For the best call experience, prop up your smartphone or table on its long edge.

Illustration of muted microphone icon.

In group calls, your microphone will be muted on entry. Please keep it mute unless speaking.

Illustration of 'raise hand' icon

You can use the raise hand button for attention.